CCA Pages

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama and the Bishops

I have the utmost respect for Father Neuhaus for writing this article and for all those Bishops that had the strength of their faith to say what had to be said, defending our church's position and upholding the sanctity of sacred life. Being in a position of responsibility is not a popularity contest.

For those Bishops and all Catholics that advanced the abortionist agenda through direct action or silent agreement, you have failed in your responsibilities as Catholics and your souls shall be stained with the blood of those innocents. I can only hope that our Lord Jesus will forgive your sins and not give you what you deserve, but the mercy that is His.

Then again there's that millstone thing...


In a few days, the American bishops of the Catholic Church will be holding their annual fall meeting in Baltimore.

High on the agenda is how Catholic bishops can better communicate Catholic teaching on social justice both in the Church and in the public square. It is understood that the priority issue of social justice is the protection of innocent human life -- from the entrance gates of life to the exit gates, and at every step along life's way. The most massive and brutal violation of justice is the killing of millions of children in the womb.

Read the rest of the story here.

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