CCA Pages

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

An Actual Ticket to Hell

Ticket to Hell, Contract with Satan, call it what you will, either way the result is the same. In a sad and somewhat pathetic attempt to rebel against the church and God, masses of disobedient Catholic Britons, now atheists and agnostics, have taken it upon themselves to attempt to "de-baptise" themselves. (I added the red "warning" to the certificate on the left so as to not materially contribute to anyone's eternal damnation.)

Please don't write this off as just some sort of rebellious "phase" or an insignificant act of disobedience. It's so much more than that. It's most certainly a diabolical and very evil act that is extremely and permanently destructive.

What part of "indelible" (permanent) do they not understand? What they're doing isn't removing the sacrament of Baptism by any means. It cannot be removed by any act of man. And besides, once at or past the age of consent they did knowingly and willfully confirm their baptism through the Sacrament of Confirmation!

What they are doing however, through this act of disobedience, is not the shift back into "neutral" that they think it is in giving up all religion and not believing in God or the Church. In this act, they indeed do recognize their Baptism in Christ only then to fully reject it, renounce the Church that Christ founded and all her creeds and reject Christ Himself. Since the church is the Body of Christ, they fully and completely reject God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

What they are doing is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit leaving an equally indelible and unforgivable sin on their souls. They are deceived into being "tied up with atheism and agnosticism" so that evil one who is stronger may enter and plunder their house. Now who might that be?

Let's think about this for a moment. In Baptism, you share in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ into life everlasting. Everyone baptized will enter into heaven, of that there can be no doubt. But remember, that nothing imperfect enters into the kingdom of heaven and into the presence of God.

By remaining obedient, recognizing and accepting responsibility when we are disobedient, confessing our sins and being repentant through regular confession/reconciliation we minimize the amount of unrepentant sins we die with.

So what happens if we die some weeks, months or years after our last confession and reconciliation with God and have some unrepentant sins on our souls? God's mercy provides us with Purgatory where our souls will be purified and our remaining sins will be cleansed. Everyone that enters Purgatory will enter into the Kingdom of heaven! Some of us might be there longer than others - you know who you are!

Where are those who "de-baptize" themselves to go? We know that one cannot enter into the Kingdom of God in a state of sin, that leaves either purgatory or permanent damnation in the eternal fires of hell.

Purgatory is a place where remaining unreconciled sins are cleansed and forgiven before entering heaven. Baptism is conferred through the grace and power of the Holy Spirit so the denying of one's baptism is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and that rules out Purgatory. There's no point in trying to wash away that which can never be forgiven as Jesus told us in Mark 3:28-29:
"Amen, I say to you, all sins and all blasphemies that people utter will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an everlasting sin."
Sins stain the soul and can be cleansed, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit leaves an irreparable hole and no amount of cleansing can repair that which is no longer there. Since Heaven is out, and Purgatory is out, there's only one place left for those who deny God in their attempts to "de-baptize" themselves; the eternal fires of damnation aka Hell.

If in Baptism we share Jesus Christ's obedience to God, His death and resurrection and life everlasting in Heaven, then those who foolishly attempt to "de-baptise' themselves will most certainly share in the disobedience of Satan and the eternal pain of damnation in the fires of hell. Does that not make Satan the "god" of atheism or agnosticism?

I hope they will realize there is no second chance. "Never have forgiveness" means never. It would be better for them that they were never born.

God's Blessings,

Hat tip to The Deacon's Bench, The Curt Jester, and

Monday, March 30, 2009

How NOT to Receive Eucharist in Washington D.C.

Just be an unrepentant pro-abortion Catholic Governor from Kansas!

In a sign of solidarity amongst Catholic Bishops, Catholic News Agency has reported that Archdiocese of Washington's Abp. Wuerl will maintain the request of Abp. Naumann that the Obama designated appointee for the position of Director of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, a 30 year advocate for legalized abortion, should not present herself for Communion while in D.C.

This is exactly the kind of unity and solidarity that Catholics hope to see more of from our bishops across the nation!

CNA Story Here: Sebelius Communion ban to apply in Washington
If Sebelius’ nomination as HHS Secretary is accepted and she moves to Washington D.C., she will face the same request to not receive Communion.

According to the Washington Times, Archbishop Naumann contacted Archbishop Wuerl and informed him of the discussions he had held with Gov. Sebelius.

A spokesman for Archbishop Wuerl, confirmed to the Washington Times that church officials in Washington would support Naumann’s admonition and act accordingly.

God's Blessings,

Friday, March 27, 2009

Chris Matthew: Pro-Life Terrorists

A friend on Facebook sent me the following link to this Family Research Council article and video where MSNBC's Chris Matthews comments that pro-life activists are "terrorists" and "verbal terrorists". The video took place on March 3rd and this FRC article appeared on March 6th, but rather than just let it fade out, I sent my own e-mail response.

I encourage everyone to keep sending him letters so he knows we haven't forgotten about him or his opinions.

Here's my letter:
Dear Mr. Matthews,

Pro-life activists are not terrorists, verbal or otherwise. Please stop using catchy words that only instill fear and polarize the ignorant against the truth. That is unless you merely want a mindless following of fearful drones. Is that what you want to be known for?

Kathleen Sebelius has betrayed the teachings of the church and her faith in favor of her own political agenda. Is that the kind of person you want in any leadership position? I certainly don't and speaking against her nomination is my right as an American and my duty as a Catholic. If she'll turn against something supposedly as rock solid as her faith, you can be sure she'll turn against things much less important in her eyes. It's a litmus test of her character and her loyalty that she has most certainly failed.

All innocent life is sacred. Period. This is nothing new. As a Catholic that is in communion with the Catholic Church, I'd like to set the record straight. The teaching from the Catholic Church, from her Bishops and the Pope is absolutely clear - you CANNOT be a Catholic and pro-choice and it's not open for discussion. ALL Catholics who have disobeyed the teachings of the church are automatically excommunicated. Those who are public in their disobedience should be denied Holy Eucharist iaw Canon 915 and publicly excommunicated. In truth, the abortion issue has become quite the efficient tool for identifying and weeding out those false Catholics, separating the wheat from the weeds, as it were.

We in the pro-life community stand against the Sebelius nomination because she has shown herself to be radically opposed to any check on abortion. It is our right and our duty to speak out against this nomination and a vital part of my faith. Any attempts to stop us from the free practice of our faith is a clear violation of our First Amendment rights.

To equate individuals and groups who fight for the right to life of our most defenseless citizens with terrorists is regrettable. I hope you refrain from doing so in the future.

I look forward to the courtesy of your response.

Robert Cavalcante Jr.
Catholic Conservative American

Please continue to send him your comments and pray that his eyes and heart might be opened to the truth.

God's Blessings,

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Obama Administration Pressuring Vatican?

This is more self-righteous arrogance and hatred against the Catholic Church from Obama and his minions/administration and even those Catholics that side with him; Biden, Pelosi and all other fallen Catholics that are have excommunicated themselves through their public positions on abortion and support of those politicians that do.

Each day that passes and I grow closer to God; I feel more and more homeless in America or anywhere for that matter.

May God Have Mercy on America,

"Hey, Obama: Hands Off Burke"
by Austin Ruse
A reliable source tells me that someone representing the Obama administration is about to put pressure on the papal nuncio to the United States to get Archbishop Raymond Burke to be quiet. The Obama complaint is that Archbishop Burke, who is now head of the Apostolic Signatura in Rome, has supported another bishop in his chastisement of Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius for her support of abortion.

A few days ago Archbishop Burke gave an interview to the San Diego-based organization Catholic Action for Faith and Family, during which he took the gloves off about Sebelius, who has been nominated to head the massive U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. He noted her “public association with some of the more notorious agents of the culture of death.” This, of course, was a reference to her hosting a party for the late-term abortionist George Tiller, currently on trial in Kansas for nineteen infractions of abortion restrictions.

Burke commented on her fitness for office, saying that for Sebelius to be “placed in charge of the federal office with responsibilities for health and human services” is “sad for our nation” and a “source of great embarrassment.” He also spoke about her relationship to the Church, and pointed out that Sebelius’s bishop in Kansas had properly instructed her about the dangerous ground she treads. Archbishop Joseph Naumann offered her pastoral counseling on the teachings of the Church related to abortion and urged her to accept them. She declined. Only then did Naumann instruct her not to approach the altar rail for Communion. Burke said this fulfilled “one of the most solemn duties as a pastor, namely, the care of the Most Blessed Sacrament and of the worthy reception of Communion.”

Full Story Here

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Abortion Chain Owner's Family Dies in MT Crash

My heart breaks for the family of those lost in this tragic plane crash in Montana. It really does but I just have to sit quietly and ponder the irony of it all. The irony of what the MSM is NOT reporting about that crash is that is was the family of the largest for-profit abortion chain owner in America; and that the plane crashed into Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery that contains the Tomb of the Unborn, a memorial for all those children murdered in abortion.

Thanks to Jill Stanek for reporting on this article by Gingi Edmonds:
"Some of you may have seen the major news story of the private plane that crashed into a Montana cemetery, killing 7 children and 7 adults.

But what the news sources fail to mention is... the [cemetery] contains... the Tomb of the Unborn... erected as a dedication to all babies who have died because of abortion. What else is the mainstream news not telling you? The family who died in the crash near the location of the abortion victim's memorial, is the family of Irving 'Bud' Feldkamp, owner of the largest for-profit abortion chain in the nation...."
Please pray for the souls of the family killed in this tragic incident, for their family and pray for the soul and the conversion of Bud Feldkamp; that he abandon and close his abortion clinics, repent of his ways and his heart be softened by the loving grace God.

God's Blessings,

Friday, March 20, 2009

Catholic Scandal at Notre Dame

According to the Notre Dame website, on Sunday May 17, 2009 President Barack Obama will be the principal speaker and receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree at the University of Notre Dame’s 164th University Commencement Ceremony!

Folks, this is an absolute OUTRAGE and SCANDALOUS! This man defies the sanctity of human life and spits in the face of the Catholic Church at every turn with his policies and cabinet appointments.

From the letter and petition:
"It is an outrage and a scandal that “Our Lady’s University,” one of the premier Catholic universities in the United States, would bestow such an honor on President Obama given his clear support for policies and laws that directly contradict fundamental Catholic teachings on life and marriage."
Please take a look at this website, sign the online petition and pass this along to every Catholic and anyone you know who disagrees with Obama, his policies, his appointments, whatever!

Then please pray to the Blessed Mother for her mercy.

God's Blessings,

You may contact Bishop D’Arcy of the Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese at the following address:
His Excellency, Bishop John M. D’Arcy
Fort Wayne Chancery
1103 S. Calhoun Street
P.O. Box 390
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46801
(260) 422-4611

Friday Funny Video: Youth Ministry

What NOT to do if you work in a Catholic Youth Ministry!

God's Blessings,

Ignatius from travis hawkins on Vimeo.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

In Defense of the Pope's Remarks

I wish for once that people would do some research before bashing the Pope and the Catholic Church. These policies and positions aren't just something that's made up to oppress people. In fact, quite the opposite. It's for their health, safety, well being and in the end their eternal salvation.

To all those who think the Catholic Church just makes this stuff up, let's not forget who created the University system and the Scientific Method in the first place.

National Review article:
From Saint Peter’s Square to Harvard Square

‘We have found no consistent associations between condom use and lower HIV-infection rates, which, 25 years into the pandemic, we should be seeing if this intervention was working.”

So notes Edward C. Green, director of the AIDS Prevention Research Project at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, in response to papal press comments en route to Africa this week.

God's Blessings,

Happy St. Joseph's Day!

Today, March 19th 2009, marks only one of the two official Catholic feast days occurring during Lent. Typically feast days aren't celebrated during this time of repentance but both days are of such vital importance to the Catholic faith and to all of us. (Contrary to popular belief St. Patrick's Day on March 17th is not an official Feast Day except in Ireland.)

Today is the Feast of St Joseph, earthly foster father to Jesus and husband to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The second feast during Lent is the Feast of the Annunciation on March 25th to commemorate the revelation by the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive of the Holy Spirit and bear the Son of God, Jesus.

A carpenter by trade, Joseph had his doubts when Mary told him she was with child. It was out of those two pure qualities that God desires most; mercy and Love that he agreed to quietly divorce his beloved to prevent her being stoned to death under the law, when an angel appeared to him in a dream and revealed to him the truth that Mary was carrying the Son of God.

Descended from the house of David and being an obedient man of God, Joseph immediately married her to prevent scandal. When the angel told him they were in danger he took them and fled to Egypt, only to return when the angel again told him it was safe.

While still having free will, it was Joseph's Love of Mary, his mercy toward her and his obedience to the will of God that make St. Joseph one of the most beloved saints. Jesus, though knowing he was the Son of God, remained in His Father's law and respected and Loved His earthly father and mother and was subject to their very human authority.

It's important to note that the fullness of the humility of God being born as one of us in Christ Jesus, though fully God and fully man, was not just in His humble birth in a manger, but in living as one of us and subject to the authority of His earthly parents every day for thirty years until He began His ministry. Jesus' being the perfect Son was most certainly a reflection on having had the most perfect earthly parents chosen by God Himself.

Joseph is the patron of the Catholic Church, fathers, carpenters and of social justice. St. Joseph is also the patron of the dying. Since there is no mention of St. Joseph in the Gospels, it is generally assumed that he died before Jesus began His ministry at age 30. What more beautiful way for such a righteous man to leave this earth than with our Savior Jesus and the Blessed Mother at his side.

St. Joseph, pray for us.

God's Blessings,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

BREAKING: Cardinal George Meets with Obama


By John Jalsevac

March 17, 2009 ( - On the same day that Cardinal Francis George released a video expressing, on the behalf of all American bishops, his deep concern about the Obama administration's decision to rescind conscience protection regulations put in place by the Bush administration, he has met with Obama at the White House.


Cardinal George also released a video today on his objections to removing the conscience protection rule of health care workers. Catholic News also has a story HERE and you can watch the Cardinal's video HERE.

No word yet regarding their conversation yet. One can only pray that the Cardinal succinctly explained that the Catholic Church will not bend for him or his ideals.

God's Blessings,

The Price of Weak Faith

This is the Shekel of Tyre.  It is believed to be the same silver coin that Judas received for his betrayal of our Lord Jesus Christ. These shekels weigh approx 14.85 grams each and Judas received 30 for a total weight of 445 grams or 15.71 ounces of silver. At today's market of $12.85 an ounce, that's a total value of $201.87. It was approximately the cost of a slave or a month's wages back then and certainly not a lot of money. You'll recall that the perfume the woman from Bethany poured on Christ was worth a whole year's wages. It's not so much that Jesus was betrayed for those 30 pieces of silver. The silver was merely a catalyst, a tool used to pry open the weak heart and faith of Judas Iscariot who listened more to the crowds, to the Pharisees, and to the weight of his purse, than to the Word of God from Christ Jesus Himself. How much more could he have had, had he instead rendered his heart and his purse as did the widow with her two mites?
"Judas is neither a master of evil nor the figure of a demoniacal power of darkness but rather a syncophant who bows down before the anonymous power of changing moods and current fashion. But it is precisely this anonymous power that crucified Jesus, for it was anonymous voices that cried, "Away with him! Crucify him!" - Pope Benedict XVI
There is nothing anonymous about that power to many of us, he most certainly has a name. Judas wasn't evil himself but merely too weak in faith and mired in things of the world so as to become used as a mere tool of that same "anonymous"evil. So it is today with those who through their own selfish desires follow these same changing moods and current fashion, forsaking the voices of our ancestors crying out to us from beyond the grave at the atrocities we are committing today in the name of change, lifestyle, new age ideology, choice, abortion or progressivism, even forsaking God Himself in the process. The question we each need to ask is how many times have we ourselves betrayed Jesus Christ and joined in the cry of "Crucify Him" for far less than 30 pieces of silver?

God's Blessings, Bob

Monday, March 16, 2009

"What the Hell is Purgatory?"

Hello all. I hope you had a great weekend. I just came across the great article on Purgatory that does a great job of explaining it. Sadly, even many Catholics don't fully understand what Purgatory is and why we need it. I've always explained it as a sort of "mud room" or a de-con station where your unrepentant sins must be purged before entering into the presence of God. (Purgatory = Place of Purging).

Hat tip to Busted Halo for the excellent mixed media article:

"What the Hell is Purgatory?"

God's Blessings!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Amore Infinito

What do you get when you mix the divinely inspired poetry of one of the world's most widely respected men and the incredible talent of one of the world's most renown tenors?

Amore Infinito

With the Vatican's approval, famed Tenor Placido Domingo has taken the poetry of one of the worlds most beloved men, Pope John Paul II, and put it to music in this incredible cd that contains performances by Placido Domingo, Andrea Bocelli, Josh Groban, Vanessa Williams, Placido Domingo Jr. and the London Symphony Orchestra.

"These songs have a very important meaning for me, and not only because I am a Catholic. They are addressed to religious people, but also to those who had great respect for John Paul II, a great man who chose to devote his life to mankind and to God." Placido Domingo
Click on the link above to learn more about the making of this beautiful CD or on the picture or link below to order your own copy.

All earnings from Amazon Affiliate purchases from this blog are donated to the Society of St. Vincent DePaul to help those in need.

God's Blessings,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

UPDATE: Steele Retracts Pro-Choice

Michael Steele has retracted his earlier statement saying he is Pro-Life and not Pro-Choice. That still doesn't explain his earlier statement.
This article explains it perfectly:

Hat tip to Hot Air!

God's Blessings,

BREAKING: Michael Steele - PRO CHOICE!

Well I, for one, am thoroughly disappointed with Michael Steele, the newly elected RNC Chair who in a recent GQ article announced that he is yet another Catholic that is PRO-CHOICE. Michael, you CANNOT be Catholic and pro-choice, it violates the Catechism Canons 2270-75 and makes you ineligible to receive Holy Communion iaw Canon 915! I can't believe he's doing this during Lent no less.

I cannot stand hypocrisy such as this. In my 44 years I have found that I can best judge what kind of person is by what kind of Catholic they are. You cannot be weak in faith and strong in the rest of your life. Show me someone that is strong in their faith and I'll show you someone that is well balanced, a strong authoritative leader that knows the way, shows the way and goes the way.

I just left him this message over on Facebook:
Michael, being Catholic is at our very core. I've always been able to tell what kind of person someone is by seeing what kind of Catholic they are, it never fails. Take Biden, Pelosi and their ilk for example. That last thing we need is a Republican version of them.

I was extremely disappointed to read your pro-choice stance in the GQ article. You cannot be Catholic and pro-choice, it's a deal-breaker. If you can't uphold the divinely inspired sacred teachings of the church, how can you uphold anything written by mere men? Please read the Catechism Canons 2270-75 again ( and then read Canon 915 (

Please find the courage to reconsider your stance on abortion and stand up for the teachings of our church and for the innocent unborn babies who are truly the "least of our brethren". I will keep you in my prayers.

God's Blessings,
Bob Cavalcante Jr.

BIG hat tip to Thomas Peters over at American Papist for breaking this story:
Breaking: GNC head Steele says abortion is a "choice"

God's Blessings,

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Abortion Advocates Label Opposition "Violence"

How many legs does a dog have if you call its tail a leg?


Calling the tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. -Abraham Lincoln

From Life Abortion Advocates Label "Violence" Any Pro-Life Opposition to President Obama

How then can someone call a pro-life supporter "violent" for mere opposition to the law or the policies of the current administration? Did we suddenly lose our First Amendment rights to free speech? Can we no longer peaceably assemble? Just because they "feel" intimidated doesn't mean they are and if there is no reasonable articulable threat to their safety, how is that "violence"?

Actually this statement is good news for us! This is an act of desperation to twist the truth and reality by spinning the situation. By labeling someone who opposes them as "violent" they hope to polarize the uneducated public opinion through the media against the pro-life movement. I've seen this same tactic before with the anti-gun crowd. Funny how those same pathetic tactics are used over and over. Kinda sad too.

This, my friends is the same twisted logic that thinks an unborn baby is just an inconvenience, just a blot of tissue to be thrown away and discarded in the trash. I don't care how many degrees someone has or if their IQ is 500 and is screaming from the highest rafters that they think abortion is ok. It is not and it is murder.

If my opposition to Obama and anyone that is pro-choice and pro-abortion is deemed violent, then I humbly and graciously accept that title. For the record, I am proud to be violently opposed to abortion, to abortionists, to their clinics, their supporters and any and all laws, governments, organizations and persons that side with them. They can call me whatever they want for it is not what they call me that worries me, It is only what God calls me that matters.

We have failed in our obedience to God and our failure to use the example of Christ's obedience. It was Adam's sinful disobedience in the Garden of Eden that brought the wages of sin upon all mankind. It was only through Jesus' agony of obedience to the will of God in the Garden of Gethsemane that we can be redeemed through His blood and His cross. We have had our last chance and are failing in obedience to follow His example and God's judgment will be swift.

We cannot cry Lord, Lord while turning away from one another. It is in the turning from one another and the turning from the least of our brethren that we have truly turned away from God.

Are not the unborn children the absolute least of our brethren?

Therefore every abortion is the abortion of Jesus Christ.

May God have mercy upon us all.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Connecticut Attacks Catholic Church

We all knew it was only a matter of time but here it is upon us. Fr. Z posted this article over on his blog "What Does The Prayer Really Say" where the state of Connecticut has flat out attacked the Roman Catholic Church by introducing legislation to incorporate the Roman Catholic Church in Connecticut. Bishops will no longer run the diocese but be spiritual advisors only, having no say in the administration or management of the Diocese leaving the rest to the state run puppet corporate board (aka government).

Dear Fr. Z,

The Lord’s peace. You are going to be one of the first to hear about this. Nothing like this in the history of the US has ever been proposed as far as I know.

Yesterday, Connecticut Judiciary Committee of the Connecticut State Legislature
introduced bill #1098/2009 that directly attacks the Roman Catholic Church (please see attached copy of it). Should it pass, the bishop and pastors will be deprived of any administrative, financial and legal power over their parishes.

The bishops of CT are trying to rally the troops this weekend. I think your readers, and Catholics all over the US should be concerned.

In Christ,

Fr. Greg J. Markey

Here's the legislation:

This sounds like a power play reply to the USCCB's threat to close down Catholic Hospitals rather than have their doctors forced to perform abortions if the HHS Conscience Protection Regulation is overturned or if the FOCA passes, both promises made by Comrade Chancellor Sotero.

His team has been hand picked and now this is open hostility is the first volley fired in what amounts to be war against the Catholic Church by this current administration. Well, we've been hand-picked by the Holy Spirit and we need to mobilize EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE to take action against this in every possible way. I don't want to hear anyone crying "I'm not a Catholic" or worse speaking against the church because it's only a matter of time until this affects every single church in America until every religion is nationalized. Click on the above picture.

Please pray for the Bishops and all the faithful in Connecticut.

May God grant us the strength and courage to face the enemy in the coming battle.

God Bless,

Friday, March 6, 2009

Deus Caritas Est

During Lent we're all called to greater prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Today I was writing a reply on another blog when I wrote this as an answer to someone and though it deserved its own blog posting.

I want to touch on the subject of alms giving commonly known today as CHARITY. Lately we've been hearing a lot on the issue of charity in the news. Some people think that the government should be responsible for deciding who gets what and that is an idea to which I most strongly disagree.

Nations, governments and organizations are not created in God's image, only man is. By reason, everything created by God is good and anything not created by God is not good. It stands to reason then that that which HE created has a God given right to exist while anything not created by God (man made) has no right to exist as all rights come from God. The right to life being of the utmost importance and from which all other rights derive.

That said, God has no concerns for government or politics except where it concerns His people. It took 400 years of bondage in Egypt before He heard the cries of His children Israel so I'm fairly certain He's not concerned with a few lazy people crying over a few years of self inflicted discomfort as we're experiencing today.

He also gave us free will to Love him or to separate ourselves from him through sin. As we can do that with God we can certainly have the free will to do that with one another and all too often do. We can then through Love and charity, bring ourselves closer together until we are truly one in the body of Christ. Or we can separate ourselves from that Love casting ourselves further from God.

The word charity comes from the Latin word for Love - caritas so I'll use the word Love for simplicity. Love comes from one heart to another heart or it isn't Love. "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world" (1 John 2:15)

Love isn't what you receive, rather what is given (John 3:16) so it must be freely given or it isn't Love. Without the choice to give, it ceases to be Love or charity, the kind that God wants of His children.

We're all called to give to the poor and that's a central theme to Christians during Lent, but throwing money at a problem solves nothing. Giving it away to possible mismanagement is irresponsible and wasteful. While money given to organizations, agencies and governments to help the poor may sometimes do good things, history has proven that to be the exception rather than the rule. It is only through freely given face-to-face charity, Love, that we can see the face of Jesus in one another.

Feed the hungry doesn't mean give money so someone else can do your dirty work for you. It means feed the hungry yourself. The same goes for all forms of charity be it to those who hunger, thirst, who are prisoners, or who have no clothes; for whatsoever we do to the least of our brethren we do to Jesus. Feed Jesus through that hungry person. Clothe Jesus through that naked person. Give drink to Jesus through one who thirsts. That, my brothers and sisters is what we are each of us called to do, not to delegate our money and our responsibilities as Christians away to others.

Conservatives believe firmly in the rule of law and in individual freedoms so accordingly God's law to Love one another is of the utmost importance and cannot be delegated away. Only then can we be liberal with our Love!

Please read these other blog articles for more

God Bless,

Preview Text Above Here - Then Delete This Line

Rest of the Post Between This Line

And This Line - Then Delete Both

Sing Once, Pray Twice

One of the most beautiful things I Love about my Catholic Church is her heritage and rich, beautiful tradition. Perhaps the most appealing tradition that has stood the test of time, is truly universal and crosses all divisions; her Sacred Music.

The sacred Gregorian chants of the Catholic Church are unlike any other in the world and fill all who sing or hear it with such joy and peace. St. Augustine so loved the music he said of chanting "Singing is praying twice".

Please take a moment this Friday of Lent to reflect in prayer and what better way than through the sacred music of the Catholic Church and visit the link below to learn more about Sacred Music.

May God Bless You All,
Bob Cavalcante

Obama's Eligibility Answered by SNOPES and Voters

Well it's settled. The question of Obama's eligibility to be President, that is. At least according to these two clowns, I mean Senators and REPUBLICAN Senators at that!

The first response from Sen. John Kyl R-AZ says that the urban legend debunking website SNOPES has already investigated it and it's a non issue. Excuse me? SNOPES? I didn't realize they were a congressionally approved investigative source. I for one would certainly like to see the complete sum of their research and review their investigative "methods" that brought them to that conclusion. I do hope it's their own work and more than a few referenced existing works. I've used their service before and while some things are honestly debunked, the majority of it is merely the inconclusive opinion of the creater of the site Barbara Mikkelson based on other questionable internet sources. Not actual research by a long shot.

From WND: Republican senator says Snopes settled 'eligibility'

But wait! According to another example of poor leadership and reasoning, Sen. Mel Martinez R-FL stated that it doesn't matter what the law says, the people have voted! So we've gone from being a nation of laws that protect the minorities from majority mob rule, to majority mob-rule. Has this nation lost its collective mind??

From WND: Senator: Eligibility is up to the voters

Sorry to both of you lazy incompetent Senators but that's not how it works. We have a little process called DUE DILLIGENCE and relying on SNOPES is not due dilligence. Neither is ignoring constitutional law.

Perhaps some timely calls to these Senators is in order.

Kinda turns your stomach on all counts.

God Bless,

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Glen Beck Mentions FEMA Camps

Have you, like many others been asking yourself where all this madness is leading? I certainly have. To paraphrase Sherlock Holmes: When you've eliminated the obvious, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, is the answer.

There's an awful lot of fear and an overwhelming sense of evil and doom hanging over America. While many are blind to it, many can sense it. Sense something wicked that this way comes. Sure, there's a lot of fear and a lot of paranoia out there and a lot of conspiracy theories (CT's) as well. Sometimes it's amusing to read the comments. Other times the articles and research is flat out scary. Worse still is the "official" silence.

You decide and do your own research.

God Bless and Have Mercy On Us,

USCCB Pro-Life E-mail Campaign

Now is not the time to let our guard down concerning FOCA. We have an opportunity to send an overwhelmingly strong message to congress that we will not sit idly by while they legislate more death and infanticide into America.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has an easy to use tool to send e-mails to your Representatives and Senators opposing the Freedom of Choice Act: FOCA.

Please click on the envelope or on the link below and let you reps know that you oppose the FOCA.

God Bless,

BeliefNet Twists the Truth on Sebelius

I came across this blog article over on the progressive Christian website about Sebelius and her "Catholic" supporters that have sidelined the Catholic League's Bill Donohue. Yeah right, like that's going to happen.

I felt compelled to reply and thought it best to post my reply to the blog here as I'm not sure it'll even get posted. I've had that happen a few times already so please read the above linked article then read my reply below. Feel free to hop over there and leave your own comments!

My comments below.

God Bless,

EDIT: (3/5 @0821 EST) My comment below still not posted so I just posted a comment with a link back here. We'll see!

Wow. Bob, I'm with you. I'm a Catholic first and above all things, even party, even nationality. I don't expect non Catholics to fully understand but the church's teachings are crystal clear and I won't get into all of that here. Suffice it to say that Sebelius has NOT done everything in her power to stop all abortions as is her duty and responsibility as a Catholic in public office (Faithful citizenship means faith to God above all else, even nation). Also of note is the fact that she is dear friends with and has publicly supported the notorious late-term abortionist George Tiller. That is material aid to abortions and in the eyes of the church is intrinsic evil and a grave sin.

The sad fact that there are so many corrupted and fallen Catholics that believe they can remain Catholic and pro-choice doesn't make it right as they are not following the teachings of the church. Following the teachings of the magisterium is a requirement of the faith, after all.

You cannot be a Catholic and Pro-Choice. These people that play word games with the church don't want to serve God, but want a God and a church that serves them and it just doesn't work that way. We exist as HIS pleasure, not the other way around.

Tom, exactly how many people per year are killed by ricochets? Hypotheticals and lack of facts make for poor arguments. I carry a gun every day for defense of innocent life against evil that would threaten to or would take that innocent life and am completely justified even according to the Catholic Church (Canon's 2263,64,65). I must value even my own God given life enough to defend it against evil that would take it.

It's obvious that Obama is intentionally trying to cause a schism in the Catholic Church in America by surrounding himself with fallen Catholics such as Biden, Pelosi, Sebelius, etc. but mark my words; the Catholic Church was around long before America and she will survive long after America falls, which at this rate won't be long. You know, that little "stand against the very gates of hell" thing.

Do you think God really cares about the modern American concept of "rights"? Love is all that matters and there can be no Love without life. I'd much rather stand before God having done my best to defended every possible innocent life I could, even dying in the process if necessary, than to stand there before Christ with my hands in my pockets and the excuse that I did what I thought was best and let even just one die.

I will most certainly pray for each of you that you might find the truth and Love of God in your hearts.

God Bless,
Bob Cavalcante

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Blind Faith" Beats Science

Bionic eye partially restores sight. Full story at:

I'm both happy for this guy and sad at the same time. It has taken science 2000 years to do quite incompletely and imperfectly that which was done by Jesus so long ago.

I pray that Jesus will finish this incomplete job begun by man restoring this man's sight so that through His mercy, others might then "see" the Truth.

God Bless,

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Newt Gingrich Becoming Catholic!

Found this over on The Deacon's Bench:

The Newt Evangelization: Gingrich to become Catholic

That's right, Newt Gingrich is coming home to Rome! Our prayers and blessings to him, his family, his sponsor and his Catechists in this most wonderful time!

My own daughter and son-in-law are in RCIA as my son-in-law was never baptised and my daughter never made her confirmation. As her father and their sponsors, it is one of the greatest joys my wife and I have watching them grow in their Love and understanding of Jesus Christ and the church he founded, and watching them responsibly teach it to their children.

If I do nothing else right in my life, this will be enough. We look forward to standing with them on Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil as they become fully confirmed Catholics!

God Bless all Candidates and Catechumens!

Catholics Against Sebelius

We need to stand firm in our faith against those who would lead the sheep astray and down the path of evil. Please visit the Catholics Against Sebelius website and sign the petition to prevent her nomination as DHHS!

God Bless!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Another False Catholic Nominated by Obama

I am so disgusted I'm almost at a loss for words. Obama has once again brought the shame of God upon this once great nation with his nomination of false Catholic Kathleen Sebelius as (get this) Director of Health and Human Services. This infanticidal murderer is so pro-abortion it's off the scale and should not be allowed to hold this position or the title "Catholic" and should be publicly excommunicated.

Full Story over on

Now it's getting personal. I fully believe that Obama is declaring a war of popular opinion against the Catholic Church. He knows full well the Catholic controversy surrounding these people, yet he continues to recruit them into his Zombie Squad knowing full well that those who don't know better will assume these people are correct, causing a scandal and possibly a schism in the Catholic Church in America.

Why else would he be surrounding himself with false Catholics? Because he is obviously attempting to weaken the faith and credibility of the Church. He knows that as far as popular uninformed opinion goes they are the best weapon against his greatest enemy - the Holy Catholic Church.

I'm getting the feeling that the gates of hell that the church must stand up against are being opened up right here in America and guess who is holding open the door? Obama. Imagine that.

I pray it is time for His Holiness to take to the airwaves and publicly excommunicate Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, Sebelius, the members of Catholics United, and all Catholics that have publicly disobeyed the teachings of Catholic Church, betraying their faith. An example must be made and we cannot wait years for the church to act. Thirty years ago that may have been acceptable but now in this age of instant information, we are also subject to instant scandal and need instant action.

May God Bless Pope Benedict. May his actions be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Once Again Ashamed to be an American,

Who is the Catholic Conservative American?