CCA Pages

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Do You Like Apples?

Do you like apples?

What would you do if I told you about an organized group of very brave and very intelligent citizens including many lawyers, seasoned veterans, farmers, scholars, diplomats, business owners and even representatives whom after many private and secret meetings were plotting against the government; even against popular opinion they were in the minority as most people were lethargic, apathetic and ignorant concerning current events!!

Would you join them?

What if I told you they were so tired of their representatives being completely disconnected with the will and even the most basic needs of the people and felt as if all their pleadings were falling on deaf ears.

Now would you join them?

What if the government tried to taxed everything in an effort to not only fill its own coffers and pay its war debt, but would ensure the people would have so little they would "need" the government's help - that would never arrive.

Thinking about joining yet?

What if the government began outlawing private ownership of firearms and began collecting them against the will of the people.

Are you ready to sign up?

What if that same organized group of people got together to publicly say they were fed up with the government and all it's broken promises, were tired of being abused and overtaxed by the government, felt that they had no say and were merely slaves to the government.

Would you still join?

What if the government made lists of those who join the cause, targeting them because they're considered "traitors" who would be captured and imprisoned or killed for treason.

Getting a little warm in here?

If you said YES all the way to the end - Congratulations, you are an American Patriot! If you didn't, you remain a TORY loyal to the King of England and an enemy of freedom and justice.

How do you like THEM apples?

Today on December 4, 1775, a momentous day in American history, the most noble Mr. John Hancock as President of the Continental Congress ordered northern troops from Pennsylvania to march south to the aid of Virginia. Governor Lord Dunsmore had recently declared martial law, offered freedom to slaves, and was rallying Tories to aid the King in his cause to put down the rebellion. With southern troops sent north to General Washington around Boston and now northern troops sent south to help Virginia, the states were now fully committed to one another in this most noble cause.

Thank God they did. We should study carefully the lessons of history.

God Bless You All and God Bless what's left of America.

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