CCA Pages

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Scranton's Bishop Martino Separates the Wheat from the Chaff

AMEN I say to you AMEN! It's about time we began to separate the wheat from the chaff!

Scranton's Bishop Martino, who previously took a stand against pro-abortion politicians in the St. Patrick's Day Parade, made it official with direct orders to all his priests: NO COMMUNION for Public Officials that are materially aiding in intrinsic evil and comitting a grave sin through their public support of abortion. It is fully his responsibility to prevent if possible, and using the full authority of the Church, the grave sins of the faithful and he is doing exactly what he has been called by Christ to do. He doesn't exist to please you, me or others only Christ.

Diocese of Scranton OFFICIAL NOTICE

Catholic World News Story

Some are saying if this becomes more widespread it will cause a schism in the church but I don't think so as it's not up for debate. This has been the church's stance for over 2000 years and so it will remain. We cannot slowly let a little bit of evil in at a time (like the Democratic Party and America has) just because some people think it's more convenient for their lifestyle and/or politics. If a Catholic isn't pro-life they aren't Catholic. Period. Not much of a Christian either, in my opinion. You know, that whole murder of unborn innocent baby thing.

The USCCB is finally taking bold steps to undo the church's failures and weakness of the last 40 years with a fire and a passion that can only be the work of the Holy Spirit. This will certainly and finally cause a "cleansing" or purification of the faithful as those who question the authority will be rooted out and can seek faith elsewhere. Will we lose numbers? Hopefully not and they weill repent and renounce abortion and pro-choice.

This is most certainly nothing new, as some pundits will cry and whine, but even St. Thomas Aquinas noted in Summa Theologica written from 1225-1274:
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, III:q 80: article 6
"A distinction must be made among sinners: some are secret; others are notorious, either from evidence of the fact, as public usurers, or public robbers or from being denounced as evil men by some ecclesiastical or civil tribunal. Therefore Holy Communion ought not to be given to open sinners when they ask for it."

If they do decide to leave, well they weren't acting as Catholics in the first place. There is only the loss of a number. One might argue that the church will lose a soul but I would submit that the soul was lost a long time ago when the "Catholic In Name Only" decided to be pro-abortion/choice, and in doing so failed to follow the teachings of not only the scripture but of the Magisterium. I say don't let the church door hit ay where the good Lord split ya!

Remember, being Catholic means belief in ALL THREE; Sacred Scripture AND Sacred Tradition AND The Magisterium, not best two out of three or just the parts you like. I believe that 10 true Catholics with a passon for the faith would bring more to the church than 100 paper Catholics with only interests and this will make us stronger as a church.

In this day and age, we need all the spiritual support against evil we can and anything that strengthens the church for the coming times is good.

Please let the bishop know you support his decision by contacting him at:

Diocese of Scranton
300 Wyoming Ave
Scranton, PA 18503
Main Chancery: 570-207-2238
Fax: 570-207-2236

I hope that pro-abortion and pro-choice Catholics will repent and come back to the church. They will be welcomed with open arms. But if they don't, they weren't really Catholics in the first place.

May God Bless Bishop Martino!
Bob Cavalcante

Friday, February 27, 2009

Catholics and Misgivings

I wanted to add a few points to my article MISGIVINGS about that passage by Oswald Chambers. I discovered a web article that further discusses Mr. Chambers' book and beliefs from a Catholic perspective from someone that has read the book:

Catholics and Oswald Chambers

He closes with "In sum, in my view, an intelligent and educated Catholic firmly established in his faith can find much of spiritual worth in Chambers' devotional classic." (emphasis added)

Based on that single passage I read and from what I read in the blog, I must wholeheartedly agree. It is too easy to be tempted away from our doctrine of faith with nice sentiments no matter how well intended and it happens all the time.

It is likely a good book as long as the strength and faith of the Catholic reader is strong enough that it will not dilute his or her faith. I'm sure there are some wonderful thoughts that will help many people more deeply understand their faith. As Christians we should all read deeper into what is being said and why. As Catholics we must also realize that it is just one man's fallible opinion and does not come from any spiritual authority. Take it for what it's worth.

I know it's commonly said not to judge a book by its cover. I'll add or by a single page, nor a man by a single day in his life. But is that correct or just a nice colloquialism?

If you are living as Christ commanded, shouldn't you be accountable to Him for every single day? How about every single moment? Though we may have a bad day, if we begin with prayer, pray always throughout trying in earnest to walk the straight and narrow path with Christ as He taught us and end our day with prayer asking for forgiveness for our sins, will not that single day be judged as good and we along with it? Are we the measure of what we produce in a single day? Perhaps a week? Maybe a month, year or even a whole lifetime? Or how about a single second?

Remember, the last shall be first! We are not judged by the "average" of our good or of our sins. We don't think as God does and since He exists outside of time and every moment of good lasts forever to Him. As does every moment of sin.

In every single moment of existence from the beginning to the end of time Christ is born, Christ is baptized, Christ is tempted by Satan, Christ is calming the storm, Christ is healing the sick, Christ is forgiving sin, Christ is teaching us, Christ is transfigured, Christ is restoring sight, Christ is raising the dead, Christ is offering us His body and blood, Christ is agonized in teh garden, Christ is betrayed, Christ is arrested, Christ is tried, Christ is scourged, Christ is suffering, Christ is crowned with thorns, Christ is mocked, Christ carries His cross, Christ is crucified, Christ forgives his enemies, Christ dies on the cross, Christ is buried, Christ is Risen!, Christ appears to his apostles, Christ is ascended into Heaven with our Father! Christ is Alive! VIVAT JESUS!

It is our moral imperative to strive to good always. Not just the majority of our lives, not just best out of seven tries, but always. We fail and fall and are sinners but Christ is there to pick us up and forgive us.

May God Bless Each of You,

In Memory of Scott Bradley Stream

Sgt. Scott Bradley Stream
March 4, 1969 - February 24, 2009

"No greater Love hath any man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)

Though I didn't yet have a chance to know him, many of my friends on Facebook were saddened and shocked to hear of the death of their friend Sgt. Scott Stream. Learning more about him I too am saddened that I never had a chance to become friends with a kindred spirit such as he, but we are most certainly brothers. Brothers in arms and more importantly brothers in Christ.

Here is an excerpt from a poignant letter that Scott wrote home to his mother on New Year's Eve 2008. I believe every American and everyone who loves freedom should read this so they will understand the price of freedom that some of us willingly accept. Freedom cannot be bought, it cannot be contracted, it cannot be sold and it cannot be bailed-out. It must be fought for daily and paid for with the blood of both tyrants and patriots. Scott was a patriot.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 9:30am

A strange thing...

When I think about what surrounds me, the institutional corruption, the random violence, the fear and desperation. I feel the reasons why I am here more and more sharply. As we grow in our soldiers skills, surviving by finding the hidden dangers, seeing the secret motives and the shifting politics... we grow a set of skills that is unique and powerful in this situation.

We also see what you cannot see in the States, you are surrounded by the love of Christ and faith in freedom and humanity, like a fish you think water is 'a puff of air' because it is always there, you do not notice it... we who are out of the water look back and see the world we love surrounded by enemies, poison and envy that wants to fall on you like a storm of ruin.

We who joined with vague notions of protecting our country see how desperate the peril, how hungry the enemy and how frail the security we have is. So the more I love you all the more I feel I must keep fighting for you. The more I love and long for home the more right I feel here on the front line standing between you and the seething madness that wants to suck the life and love out of our land.

Does that mean I cannot go home? I hope not, because I want this just to be the postponement of the joy of life, not the sacrifice of mine. If it costs me my life to protect our land and people then that is a small thing, I just hope that fate lets me return to the promise land and remind people just how great our land is.

War is a young mans game, and I am getting an old mans head... it is a strange thing. I just hope that I am not changed so that I cannot take joy in the land inside the wire when I make it home. I want to be with you all again and let my gun sit in the rack and float on my back in a tube down a lazy river...

In a time when there seems to be little hope left for what our nation is becoming, his letter reveals what truly lies inside the heart of an American Warrior. It is not not the hatred, anger, and lies of our enemies who would destroy us and our way of life or those with political agendas that would hope to further their cause. Rest assured they are as much the enemy as those with weapons. But what you find is an overwhelming sense of duty to protect one's family, home and country; full of Love of his home, his fellow man and full of Love of Christ.

I salute you Scott and I will continue to pray for your soul, for the comfort and peace of your family and for all those who have given that last full measure of devotion and to those still fighting to keep us safe and free like my nephew Zachary Faist. Know that your job here is finished and the task you started will be continued by all those who Love our nation, our families and our God as you did.

May we Americans be worthy of your sacrifice Scott. Requiescit in Pace.

FACEBOOK Memorial Page

God Bless,
Bob Cavalcante

Thursday, February 26, 2009


This morning on Facebook a friend posted a note, a passage written by Oswald Chambers a Scotsman who was born in 1874 and died in 1917. Reading the passage, I had a feeling in my heart that what he was saying was so completely wrong. I'm no theologian or bible scholar by far but I knew what I read was wrong and I was deeply compelled to write this.

by Oswald Chambers

"Sir, Thou hast nothing to draw with." John 4:11

"I am impressed with the wonder of what God says, but He cannot expect me really to live it out in the details of my life!" When it comes to facing Jesus Christ on His own merits, our attitude is one of pious superiority - Your ideals are high and they impress us, but in touch with actual things, it cannot be done. Each of us thinks about Jesus in this way in some particular. These misgivings about Jesus start from the amused questions put to us when we talk of our transactions with God - Where are you going to get your money from? How are you going to be looked after? Or they start from ourselves when we tell Jesus that our case is a bit too hard for Him. It is all very well to say "Trust in the Lord," but a man must live, and Jesus has nothing to draw with - nothing whereby to give us these things. Beware of the pious fraud in you which says - I have no misgivings about Jesus, only about myself. None of us ever had misgivings about ourselves; we know exactly what we cannot do, but we do have misgivings about Jesus. We are rather hurt at the idea that He can do what we cannot.

My misgivings arise from the fact that I ransack my own person to find out how He will be able to do it. My questions spring from the depths of my own inferiority. If I detect these misgivings in myself, let me bring them to the light and confess them - "Lord, I have had misgivings about Thee, I have not believed in Thy wits apart from my own; I have not believed in Thine almighty power apart from my finite understanding of it."


Matthew 6:25-34

25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat (or drink), or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?

26 Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?

27 Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?

28 Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin.

29 But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them.

30 If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?

31 So do not worry and say, 'What are we to eat?' or 'What are we to drink?' or 'What are we to wear?'

32 All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.

33 But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.

34 Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil."

Why ask for a bucket to draw from the well as the woman at the well did in John 4:11 when Jesus offers a well within each of us! Misgivings come only when we think like men, not as Jesus.

Jesus reminds us in John 15:1-11 that the fruit (Love) cannot be brought forth without branches (us) and branches cannot live without the vine (Jesus) and the vine cannot be without the vintner (God the Father). We must knowingly and willingly accept our place as branches on the vine and not question how the vine will provide for us. It is beyond our understanding. We must have faith in His Love that it will be done.

A rock cannot bear fruit, yet how many of us have hardened our hearts into stone? If we but worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23) following Jesus' commands and loving one another as He loves us, we will no longer be His servants but His friends (John 15:15), abiding in His Love, bearing much fruit. Only then will all things for which we ask be received! It is in the complete giving of ourselves to Christ through one another that we receive; for whatsoever we do to the least of our brethren we do to Jesus (Matthew 25:40). He provides for all our needs here on earth but our true reward is not here, it is life everlasting with Him!

Thinking more on this passage and reading it deeper I have to ask the question. Was this guy actually a Christian? From that passage, I honestly can't tell. I haven't read him, only what a few cursory internet searches have turned up. He claims to have been but also to have struggled with his faith and morality as well.

That passage seemed so full of poor reasoning and flawed understanding of Christ and I completely disagree with his statement:
"Beware of the pious fraud in you which says - I have no misgivings about Jesus, only about myself. None of us ever had misgivings about ourselves; we know exactly what we cannot do, but we do have misgivings about Jesus. We are rather hurt at the idea that He can do what we cannot."
He calls anyone that claims to understand any differently a "pious fraud" and casually includes the reader in his personal lack of faith in an attempt to say "If I can't understand it, nobody can and anyone that says they do is a liar".

Jesus sees what is hidden in our hearts, even our misgivings. If we don't know our misgivings, we certainly should. To think otherwise is arrogance against one's own position on the vine as Mr. Chambers has done right here. Unfortunately too many of us are masters at hiding our misgivings, denying them and displacing them onto others.

His arrogance and jealousy of Jesus' power and authority are plainly apparent when he then states "We are rather hurt at the idea that He can do what we cannot." Let me summarize. What Mr. Chambers is saying here is that he has no doubts about himself, does have doubts about Jesus' ability to provide for him and that he is jealous of Jesus' authority and power!

He's spiritually and logically all over the page and contradicts himself. In one sentence he states;
"None of us ever had misgivings about ourselves; we know exactly what we cannot do, but we do have misgivings about Jesus."
and in the next he states;
"My misgivings arise..."
Does he have misgivings or not? Am I the only person that sees the inherent evil here? I see arrogance toward the power and authority of Christ Jesus, jealousy that he is inferior to Jesus and then doubt that Jesus can provide for us because if Mr. Chambers can't understand even the workings of God, then it must not be possible.

Such a horrible display of arrogance, jealousy and coveting the power and authority of Jesus Christ is outrageous and blasphemous and sounds more like the words of Satan who was defeated by St. Michael and cast out of Heaven for that same thing.

It is only because my faith falls short that I cannot do what He can. Even Peter's great faith that allowed him to walk across the water to Jesus was overcome by his own misgivings. That was Peter's failure of faith in Christ, not Christ's failure of faith in Peter. Remember, it was Jesus who reached down and pulled him from the water (Matt 14:30-31). All we need is but the faith of a mustard seed (Matt 17:20) and we can throw mountains into the sea!

Of course we have misgivings toward ourselves. We are sinners and Christ is without sin. We only see life through our narrow closed minds created by years of cynicism, doubt and failure. To enter into the kingdom of heaven we must rend our hearts emptying of ourselves so that we may be filled with Christ Jesus! Then seeing the world of possibilities with all the wonder of a child (Matt 18:3-4) can we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life with Christ.

If today you hear His voice, harden not your heart but rend it unto Christ Jesus that you may pour yourself out and be filled with Him anew.

God Bless You,
Bob Cavalcante

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday - To Dust Shall You Return

"Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return."

Cold hard facts. Those are the words that (hopefully) over 1 BILLION Catholics will be reminded of today as we receive ashes on our foreheads. It is literally an in your face reminder that you are dust and need to repent. We all do.

Why ashes? They're an ancient sign of biblical repentance that was on again and off again in the Old Testament but later referred to by Jesus when he spoke of repentance in "sackcloth and ashes" in Matthew 11:21 and Luke 10:13. More on the history of Ash Wednesday and the meaning of ashes HERE.

As the newly appointed Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan so eloquently reminds us from a 2007 lecture:

"Maybe the greatest threat to the church is not heresy, not dissent, not secularism, not even moral relativism, but this sanitized, feel-good, boutique, therapeutic spirituality that makes no demands, calls for no sacrifice, asks for no conversion, entails no battle against sin, but only soothes and affirms."

Too often we need reminding of the elephant in the room, so to speak - our mortality. The wages of our sin is death. That physical return to ashes. But as much as the ashes remind us of our physical mortality, it also reminds us of the hope and promise of our baptism. Our Baptism is the key to Lent because it is only through baptism that we come to share in Christ's own death, burial, resurrection and life everlasting!

It was John the Baptist's voice crying out in the wilderness telling us to repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand and to prepare the way of the Lord and make His paths straight. Did John the Baptist speak softly and soothingly so as to not offend someone? No way! Not saying anything at all would be a greater offense to God. So why are we more worried about offending one another over trivial matters and not worried more about offending God? Where did that come from?

John the Baptist didn't sit at a mediation table, didn't wordsmith his lesson plan with soft-speak so as to not hurt anyone's feelings or offend their sensibilities. No, it was an IN YOUR FACE call to repent not only to the sinners on the streets, but right up to the poorest example and biggest sinner of the time King Herod himself. (I think there's a lesson in here!)

We are called to Reconciliation with God. We offer up to God our sorrow for having sinned against Him, pray to be mindful of our sinful nature, ask for and receive forgiveness and to refrain from the nearness of sin. Three ways we do this are through prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

The fact is that we shall all return to dust. Some sooner than others. Some unexpectedly. Some tragically. Since we don't know the day or the hour, we are reminded to pray always. "Prayer is the raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God." (CCC 2259) and it should always be a part of our daily lives.

There are many ways that we can increase the prayer in our lives during Lent that we can continue all year long. Increasing how often we pray, learning new prayers and learning how to sit silently in reflection, being still and listening to God's answers.

One great way is to pray the Holy Rosary together as a family every night. Perhaps you can learn a new prayer or perhaps learn the Hail Mary in Latin if you don't already know it.

>In fasting, we partake only of one full meal on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and guess what? We survive! Fasting and Abstinence teach us that we are not subject to our bodily desires, but subject to the will of God and our strength is in Him!

Abstinence is deliberately doing without something. The church calls us to abstain from eating meat on Fridays during Lent but we typically choose to abstain from other things we enjoy as a sign of our penance and unity with Christ's suffering.

People always speak of what they will "give up" for Lent. Soda, chocolate, cigarettes, caffeine, candy, sweets, other excesses and so many other things that are enjoyed. Those are all well and good and both spiritually and physically healthy, but let's take a deeper look. It's not just that you stop doing something for those 40 days. It's that you are taking something unnecessary out of your life that you have become accustomed to (some earthly desire or another) and it causes you some discomfort, some small suffering that you can then offer up to God.

Overindulging in Carnival or Mardi Gras before Lent in a very real sense defeats the purpose of Lent, as does hoarding what you are abstaining from so you may overindulge on Sundays or after Easter.

Fasting and abstinence also reminds us in an obese and overfed America to be mindful of the poor and the hungry so let's also take that a step further and take the food that you would have normally eaten and donate that to the poor because "..unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required" (Luke 12:48) and "Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me. " (Matthew 25:40)

It is at this time that we are reminded by our hunger and reminded by our walk with Christ for 40 days in the desert, that there are those with far less than us. It is for us then to not only give to the poor as much as we are able. In giving to the poor we must be always mindful that our reward awaits with those who see us. If men know that we have given then our reward shall come from men. If only God knows that we have given, then our reward shall come from God. Pretty much a no-brainer there, yet how easy it is to fall into the trap of having your name posted somewhere for a large donation you gave. Or getting that little brass plaque with your name on it.

Remember, it's not what you give up for Lent, but rather what you give up to God for Lent!

I sincerely hope that during this season of Lent, each of you will use this time of repentance, abstinence, fasting and prayer to explore your faith further and deeper than ever before. I pray that each of you will learn how to be more like Christ and less like yourself. I wrote this prayer for today. I hope it is worthy.

Lord, we humbly pray for strength and guidance us as we walk these 40 days with you, that in finding you we may lose ourselves. Let these ashes renew our baptism and remind us that without you we are forever dust. May our sins be washed away forever in your Blood that we may be made worthy of your death and share in your Resurrection and Life Everlasting. Amen

From Our Home and Hearts to Yours,
God Bless You and Happy Ash Wednesday

Bob & Rosana Cavalcante

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

True Lenten Sacrifice

This is one of my old favorites and I had to share it with you!

An Irishman moved into a tiny hamlet in County Kerry, walked into the pub and ordered three beers. The bartender raised his eyebrows a wee bit, but (with reservation) served the man the three beers, which he took to a nearby table and quietly drank them all by himself.

The next evening the man came to the pub and again ordered three beers and carried them to table by himself and proceeded to drink the three beers all by himself. For weeks, this man came into the pub regularly and when he did, he ordered 3 beers and took them to a table and drank the 3 beers all by himself. Soon the entire little hamlet of County Kerry was whispering about the "man who orders three beers."

Finally, after many weeks, the bartender broached the subject on behalf of the village. "I don't mean to be prying but folks around here are wonderin why your always order three beers and drink them alone?"

"Tis a wee bit odd I would be supposin" the man replied. "You see, I have two brothers, and one went to America and the other went to Australia. We promised each other that we would always order two extra beers, whenever we would partake, as a way of keeping up the family bond."

The bartender and the entire hamlet of County Kerry were pleased with his answer and with the reverence for family and soon the "man who orders three beers" became somewhat of a local celebrity and source of pride to the hamlet.

Then one evening the man came in and ordered only two beers. The bartender served them with a heavy heart. The Irishman took them to the table and drank the 2 beers all by himself. On the next visits to the pub, the "man who orders three beers," would only order two beers. And drink them all by himself.

Word spread around the hamlet quickly. Prayers were offered for the soul of one of the brothers. The next day, the bartender said to the man, "Folks around here, me first of all, want to offer our condolences to you for the death of your brother, you know - only two beers."

The man pondered for a moment then replied, " You'll be happy to hear that my two brothers are alive and well. It's just that I, meself, have decided to give up beer for Lent."

As we enter tomorrow into the Season of Lent I hope you can each truly dedicate yourself to
fasting and prayer and that each prayer, each denial of wordly desires and each day finds you closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

May God bless each of you!

Interesting Internet Finds

Two interesting finds that I would like to share with you. The first is an online collection of e-books Catholic Classics and it's quite the collection!

The second is a small psychological test for personal enlightenment. It's simple, east and is just one question. I sincerely hope you won't be surprised with your answer. When you've completed the test, post your results as a comment to this blog post and we can discuss it!

God Bless!

Monday, February 23, 2009

One of Ten

I just came across this article by Catholic apologist and author Dr. Peter Kreeft over on and wanted you to read it and share my thoughts on the subject.

Here's the article:

There most certainly is a cultural war and it's a war for our souls. I've often said that the greatest trick the devil ever played wasn't convincing the world that he didn't exist, but in convincing the world that God doesn't exist.

Satan most certainly is busy corrupting souls everywhere and I would imagine his greatest pleasure comes not from the corruption of the neutral or indifferent as those are the low hanging fruit, the easy targets; but of the faithful - the Catholic Church, the clergy, the leaders and all those of little faith, all potential saints. The closer we get to God, the stronger Satan's attacks become.

I would add that when Satan has so intentionally, quietly, and thoroughly infiltrated the body of a society, culture, religion or even a denomination so it then adopts certain ways and laws designed to move the whole slowly and deliberately further from God; and then begins to fill that void with indifference eventually embracing evil so completely that you can no longer separate one from the other, it can become necessary as a society to pluck out that proverbial offending eye or cut off that stumbling foot for the sake of the rest of the righteous body.

One may argue that a society, culture, religion, nation, state, or even a city has no soul and is therefore not subject to the pains of hell and this is basically true. But those are not stand-alone entities. They are made up of the children of God that do have immortal souls subject to both sin and salvation and they do have free will. As the former residents of Sodom and Gomorrah would attest they were most certainly subject to God's judgment and wrath as a city.

And yet if all the faithful are the body of Christ, who are we to say that one part of that body offends Christ? It is HE alone, as the head of that body who will be that judge. Through prayer and reflection and steadfastness to our faith, we need to keep the planks out of our own eyes first. Once we can see it for ourselves, we have a responsibility as Christians to live it and invite others walk with us on the path to Christ, not to drag them kicking and screaming. Whether they choose to take that path or not is not up to us, but between them and the Holy Spirit.

Imagine the wickedness and corrupt sinfulness of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. Witness the righteous mercy of God who told Abraham that just 10 righteous people amongst those thousands would have been enough for Him to forgive and save such an immoral society.

Now ask yourself; How many would we need right here and right now?

Will you be one of the ten?

God Bless You,

God Bless Archbishop Dolan

Archbishop Timothy Dolan has been selected today by the Pope to be the next Archbishop of New York! The archdiocese has already updated their website and you can read more at the links below. Please pray that the Lord will guide the archbishop with the Holy Spirit against so many enemies of the church and that he remain steadfast to the faith and to Christ Jesus, the only truth in the the world.

God Bless Archbishop Dolan!,2933,498304,00.html

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Alan Keyes Tells It Like It Is

Have you ever walked into a place, a new house or a room for example, where you had an overwhelming sense of foreboding evil? As you enter you can feel the darkness and evil that give you goose-bumps and sent shivers up and down your spine. As your heart beat faster, you just knew instinctively that some evil had either happened there or was about to happen and without knowing why you trust your instincts and run from there as fast as possible.

I'll bet there isn't a single person reading this that hasn't felt that evil at least once in their life. Not one of you. I've felt it far too many times in my life to recall. I believe we are given those feelings and instincts and a reasoning mind by God so that we may recognize evil in order to turn away from it. If you don't recognize evil, how can you recognize good? How can you recognize God?

That my friends is the feeling that I and very many of my friends have had about the future of America since November 4, 2008. A sinister darkness has overcome our nation. Lies, deception and misinformation have taken root and are being woven even deeper into the fabric of our nation. Where is common sense? Where is the light of the truth? Where are those unafraid to stand up and be counted amongst the brave? America has unfortunately not only legislated God out of our society, but is now embracing lies, deception, murderous abortion and her leaders form consent of the governed by sowing the seeds of fear amongst the people.

Please watch this video and listen to Alan Keyes who is stating what millions of people have been saying for so long. We are in the midst of a legitimate Constitutional Crisis that will inevitably lead to conflict, war and many deaths if not resolved peacefully. I regret that doing nothing is not an option any longer as that will lead to an even greater evil than this nation has ever known. The cries for justice and truth cannot continue to go unheard.

If this isn't fixed by the first, it will be fixed by the second. There is a great cry going up to God from America and he will not ignore His children. I pray every day that my patron St. Michael will avenge America, casting out the evil and restoring her to her rightly position in the world as a beacon for truth, liberty and justice under God Almighty!

"St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou O prince of the Heavenly hosts, by the power of the Most High, thrust into Hell Satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen"

God Bless,

Reagan Obama Debate

Just saw this over on The Anchoress and had to share it with you. MY President Reagan versus the traitorous usurper, false messiah, the second greatest deceiver the world has known.

I wish I could tell you to enjoy the video. You won't.

God Bless,

Friday, February 20, 2009

Bishop Martino Takes Stance Against Pro-Abortion Politicians on St. Patrick's Day

I just read this over on and had to share it. I hope we see this across the nation because this is as it should be. Bishop Martino is a true defender of the faith and of the innocent! He is setting the example for ALL Catholics. Let us all tirelessly follow his example.

From SCRANTON, Pennsylvania, February 19, 2009 ( - If a pro-abortion politician is honored in Scranton's St. Patrick's Day parade, St. Peter's Cathedral doors will close to the event, said the city's bishop Joseph Martino in a letter to parade participants. St. Patrick's Day occurs on March 17.

It's always a good idea to let the good bishop know you support him. You can contact him here:

Diocese of Scranton
300 Wyoming Ave
Scranton, PA 18503
Main Chancery: 570-207-2238
Fax: 570-207-2236

God Bless Bishop Martino!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pope Pwns Pelosi

Well, it's high time that Ms. Pelosi received the highest form of catechesis when His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI reminded her of the church's consistent teachings that life begins at conception.

Catholic News Service Story

Catholic News Agency Story

Fox News Story

Ms. Pelosi needs to realize that she alone shattered her union with the Catholic church (excommunicated herself) when she became pro-choice against the teachings of the church. I wonder if communion was requested or offered, received and or denied?

Regarding her subsequent press release, I believe it's what she didn't say that speaks volumes. We'll see if the humility sticks and time will tell if her bishop must withhold communion until she repents and publicly recants.

God Bless,

North Dakota House Approves Personhood

From CNA: North Dakota's House of Representatives passed a measure that will grant an unborn baby rights of "personhood" from the moment of conception. Among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...

Equality for all, especially a completely defenseless class of Americans - our unborn. The Senate vote is due in two to three weeks and we can expect large opposition so if you live in North Dakota make your voices heard by contacting your Senators and supporting these agencies that are leading the battle!

Personhood North Dakota:

North Dakota Life League:

God Bless North Dakota,

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Revolutionary Vent

I need to vent. That or vomit.

Many of us have been saying an American civil war is brewing. Government and politicians have lost their collective minds in attempts to tax and legislate Americans into submission and hell bent on the destruction of America. States sovereignty has frequently been called into question a number of times with the Fed holding funding over their heads and they're just plain sick of it. The states have had enough and there is no such thing as an irrevocable compact or a contract that cannot be broken.

Read it for yourself:
And much more

While visiting family in Brasil last year I was talking politics with my father-in-law and mentioned that many in America feel the "Second American Revolution" was coming and long overdue. He corrected me and said no, it was the THIRD. When I asked what he meant, he said the "War for Seccession" (aka Civil War) was already the Second American Revolution and it failed. Wow. I never thought of it that way, but that's how many people from other nations see it.

Why was it called the "Civil War"? There is nothing "civil" about war, if done properly.

Now I love history probably more than most but I'm no Civil War or history major at all. But anyone that has had a history class outside of public education knows the War for Seccession wasn't about slavery, or whether states would join as free or slave states. That was just the spin. It was about States' Rights pure and simple.

The real failure of the South during the Civil War was logistics beyond their control. The secessionist southern states, being geographically separate from the Union, made it very much North versus South. While that in and of itself made it easier to know who was friend or foe, it was ultimately the demise of the South. Being less industrial and largely agrarian, the South just didn't have the manufacturing and industrial might to create the necessary goods of war nor the infrastructure of railways and roadways to distribute supplies and food to its army and people.

Were a civil war, or another war for secession to come today, there wouldn't be any "Mason-Dixon Line" to clearly define who was who. I feel this time it will be among political party lines Democrat vs Republican and/or Liberals vs Conservatives and perhaps even state versus state. This would truly be a war of brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor and it would be nation-wide and would tear what's left of America apart.

Then again, perhaps that's what planned by those who despise America and our freedoms and would see us fall. Those who have been against our individual liberties from the start. Those who would disarm us, silence us and tax us into submission. America, as designed is a noble and grand nation but we are so far from that today we would be unrecognizable to our Founding Fathers. I'm not talking about little fish like islamists, Al-Qaeda, or the Taliban. But of the unseen hands moving the pieces around. People like George Soros and the much larger and slower moving sharia movement that has spread like a disease across Europe.

Today it's always about the money. Taxes, fees, interest, penalties, litigation, etc. We've ceased to be a nation of individual rights and have become a nation of collective wrongs. No longer a rewards based system of success but a penalty based system of failure. What kind of government, be it city, county, state or federal, relies on income from failure? Far too many laws are created with the sole intent of revenue generation. People are seen only as "taxpayers" and sources of income to the government, not as individuals with God given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Case in point: Unemployment means no tax revenue to the fed. Jobs = taxes.

The corruption and failure of America by the banking industry began with the creation of the Federal Reserve and has continued to this day. Thanks to Soros-Puppet Obama and his ilk, in order to pay the bankers for their failure, the nation will plunge itself deeper into debt. But, I warn, it's not at the expense of the taxpayer, but at the expense of America herself, financially picking the corpse clean before she is even dead.

Now, do you think this is new or news? Not one bit. The liberal main stream media networks and Hollywood has successfully programmed people into believing what they tell you is newsworthy while losing the ability for critical thinking. Think it through! Unfortunately if you follow anything to the money, you usually find the real reason for why anything happens in America. Do you think the Fed is aware of this? Acutely. In fact, I'd bet they're counting on it. If things continue on this path, what are the possible outcomes? Think it through, people! Examine ALL possible outcomes based on likeliness of success and choose the best course.

While the Catholic side of me knows that my kingdom is not of this earth and there is nothing they can ever do to hurt me more than Christ's suffering, there is the human side that knows I should always strive to do the right thing, to speak the truth no matter what.

For the time being this is my earthly home and the home of my children. While I don't expect or want it to be heaven, I certainly won't allow it to be turned into hell.

God Bless you all and God have mercy on America,
Bob Cavalcante

Obama's Pre-Approved Press List

Well as if it wasn't already obvious, RedState reporter Todd Huston posted this morning on the pre-approved press-lists that this fear-mongering, infanticidal tyrant is using. So much for openness and Freedom of the Press. See how the liberal reward system of inclusion and exclusion works?

Obama’s Pre-approved ‘Press List’ At Last Getting Notice

God Bless,

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gregg Withdraws Over Policy Differences

Reuters Story Here

I'm not certain, but I can't remember so many cabinet picks either being so crooked or against the President to have this many problems setting up his cabinet in just three short weeks after the inauguration. Does anyone know of a more controversial beginning?

I guess Obama isn't quite the bi-partisan uniter he thought he was. I think the only things he WILL be successful at doing are polarizing and dividing the nation and then lighting the fuse for the greatest civil war this nation has ever seen. I will say that since November some people I thought were friends aren't any longer and that's not a bad thing at all. We are known by the company we keep.

God Bless,

Catholic Conservative vs Catholic Liberal

What does it say about how wrong the Catholic "left" is when even an Orthodox Rabbi comments on how the liberalism and progressivism of the last 40 years have hurt not only the Catholic Church in the U.S, but around the world and has bled into other religions as well. Story Here

What I find interesting is that in my experience and observation of family and friends that are not Catholic; either former Catholic, non-denominational (indecisive) Christian, or Protestants from Baptists to Pentecostal, and even some self-proclaimed atheists and agnostics, and the same left-wing liberal Catholics that defy the Magisterium is that even though many of them are devout politically conservative, they seem to be spiritually very liberal.

CONSERVATIVE IN OBEDIENCE, LIBERAL IN APPLICATION. We are commanded, not requested, not suggested, but COMMANDED to Love the Lord God with all ou
r hearts, all our souls, all our minds and all our might. And we are also COMMANDED to Love our neighbors (enemies included) as ourselves. We are commanded to love liberally but in order to do so, we must be obedient to God. It is only through that strict obedience to God can Love come to fruition.

I find it amusing and somewhat sad that these same people are so quick to understand the need for and requirement to heed and obey the laws of man, yet they show complete selfishness and disregard for the laws of God, the Catholic Church or any church for that matter. They show in themselves such a disbelief in the authority of the Magisterium, Apostolic succession and look upon the Catechism as teachings of mere men with no input from the Holy Spirit.

Well by that same flawed logic you could then say that the entire Bible was merely written by men with no input from the Holy Spirit and we know that to be completely and utterly false! You cannot rightfully claim that the Sacred Scriptures of the Holy Bible is the very Word of God without also acknowledging that the Sacred Traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church through her Catechism are also from God inspired by that same Holy Spirit! What then, I ask, is the difference between a liberal pro-abortion Catholic and a Protestant in their defiance of the Magisterium? (No offense to pro-life Protestants!)

For the past 40 years, the leaders of the Catholic Church in the US have figuratively broken their vows of chastity by climbing into bed with politicians, the Democratic Party and other organizations whose values are contrary to Catholic and Christian values and the teachings of the Church. Now that those same politicians, parties and organizations have aligned themselves with liberal and progressive ideologies they are attempting to play both sides of the fence in an attempt to bring the Church down to their level to justify their wrongful actions and beliefs regarding such non-negotiable issues such as abortion, homosexual marriage, embryonic stem-cell research and human cloning.

While I understand that the Catholic Church's ministry is to the least of our brethren, how did that ever come to only mean "Democrat"? And to what end especially now in the light that the Democratic party has changed so much from it's original course that it would take those same liberal Democrat Catholics with it damaging not only our Catholic Church, but other faiths around the world?

For the life of me, I cannot understand how today a Catholic can claim to be a liberal or even a Democrat as of late, without spitting in the face of the Magisterium and, subsequently as a Catholic, in the face of God. I can understand that to a small degree coming from Protestants as they already reject that authority.

The fact is the further from moral center the Democratic party, liberals and progressives throw themselves, the greater will be their difference and opposition to the Catholic Church. As long as we remain steadfast to Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Catholic Church; the Pope and the bishops), the volume and frequency of their petitions against us are testament to both our loyalty and to how far they've flung themselves from God. To be a Catholic means to accept the full teachings of the Bible AND Sacred Tradition AND the Magisterium. Best two out of three doesn't count and you can't pick through the Catechism and only obey the teachings you like any more than you can do the same with the Bible. As much as some might want to disagree, it's all or nothing. ALL your heart, ALL your soul, ALL your mind and ALL your might. Not just a selective little bit every now and again when it's personally convenient or fits your lifestyle. ALL OR NOTHING.

As St. Augustine reminds us; "If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself."

I ask you this, what lies at the end of a road that in the name of liberalism or progressiveness takes you further away from God? Our beloved Catholic Church will stand against the very gates of hell and it's the liberals and progressives that are trying to push her there!

We must stay the course and remain steadfast against such things with no regard to the whims of societal fashion and selfish arrogance of man, for it is not at man's pleasure we exist, but God's!

Where has this all taken us as a nation and a society?

More importantly, how do we get back?

God Bless,
Bob Cavalcante

Update on Arizona Planned Parenthood Undercover Videos is reporting that the undercover videos by Live Action Media President, founder and undercover activist Lila Rose, showing Planned Parenthood's violations of the law and morality, have been turned over to the Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard and the Pima County Attorney General Barbara LaWall.

I will NOT have my taxes pay for abortions any longer as it is against my faith. Please take a moment to sign this petition to Defund Planned Parenthood NOW!
Sign Petition Here

My God Bless You All,

Anti-Christian Censorship

Over objections to entries about the persecution of Christians by muslims and other historical FACTS, small apparently pro-islam groups have pressured the publisher Wiley-Blackwell to halt production, recall distributed copies and destroy remaining copies of the Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization.

Who do these people think they are? You cannot merely turn the other cheek into extinction!

Original article here:
"Too Christian for Academia" by Edward Feser

Friday, February 6, 2009

I Want to Live in America

I want to live in a country that believes in God.

I want to live in a country that acknowledges that all life comes from God.

I want to live in a country that acknowledges that all God given life is sacred.

I want to live in a country that understands the purpose of life is Love.

I want to live in a country where the defense of innocent life is a sacred calling.

I want to live in a country where anything not created by God has no right to exist.

I want to live in a country that respects that only through traditional marriage can life be created and the purpose of life; Love, be fulfilled and sustained.

I want to live in a country where cults and other organizations of death are not recognized as "religions".

I want to live in a country where the lack of religion is not considered a religion.

I want to live in a country where We The People, the Citizens, wield power over the government.

I want to live in a country where people are free to keep what they earn.

I want to live in a country where the people are willing to stand up for what is right no matter what the cost.

I want to live in a country where the Constitution is revered as the highest law in the land. Period.

I want to live in a country where the government is afraid of the people.

I want to live in a country where honesty, integrity and morality are among the highest virtues.

I want to live in a country where new immigrants want to integrate and learn the native language.

I want to live in a country of possibilities, not of entitlement.

I want to live in a country that does not reward failure.

I want to live in a country that does not reward victimhood.

I want to live in a country that does not murder its unborn children.

I want to live in a country where unborn babies and elderly are not discarded.

I want to live in a country with mandatory investment in Citizenship through military service.

I want to live in a country where mandatory military service is considered an honor.

I want to live in a country with fellow Citizens, not merely residents.

I want to live in a country where citizens have more rights than criminals.

I want to live in a country where I have the right to carry a gun anywhere for defense against any evil that would threaten to take innocent life. Period.

I want to live in a country where the media is truly unbiased.

I want to live in a country where celebrities with no expert position are not revered.

I want to live in a country where people have more rights than animals.

I want to live in a country where the word hero isn't overused and abused.

I want to live in a country where the people get to keep what they earn.

I want to live in a country as designed by our Founding Fathers.

I want to live in a country I can be proud to call mine.

I want to live in a country that is worth fighting for.

I want to live in a country that is worth dying for.

I want to live in a country that is worth living for.

I want to live in America.

But I don't.

God Have Mercy On Us All,

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Charges Dropped Against USS Cole Bombing Suspect

Ironically, on October 25th, 2000 at a pierside ceremony ceremony commemorating the 17 young American men and women "standing guard for peace," who died in a terrorist attack on the USS Cole, President Clinton said the spirit of those honored today "must surely confound the minds of the hate-filled terrorists who killed them....To those who attacked them we say, you will not find a safe harbor. We will find you. And justice will prevail."

Yet now here comes this disgrace of a President who will not let justice prevail and even slaps justice in the face. A slap in the face of every single Sailor, Marine, Soldier and Airman that is serving or has ever served, in the face. He spits in the face of our military and secures himself a disgraceful place in history as our first Commander-in-Chief that did not attend the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball. An embarrassment and a disgrace to our great nation.

What kind of man is leading this country? What kind of man drops the charges on a person that committed an ACT OF WAR against the United States that took the lives of 17 of MY SHIPMATES?

Let the United States Constitution tell you what kind:

U.S. Constitution, Article 3, Section 3:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

YOU are the power in America. You be the judge. I've already made up my mind. This is an act of High Treason by a traitor to America.

USS COLE - Lest We Forget

Ensign Andrew Triplett - Rest in Peace
friend and shipmate.

Disgusted, Ashamed and Outraged,

More news articles below:

Charges Dropped Against USS Cole Bombing Suspect

Obama likely to drop charges in Cole bombing case

Charges dropped against suspect in USS Cole bombing

Google search on "USS Cole charges dropped"

Botched Florida Abortion May Be Murder

Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. This botched abortion resulted in the live birth of a baby that was bagged, treated like garbage and murdered. Murdered by the owner of the clinic. Murdered by the "Doctor" that was late. Murdered by the mother who refused to deal with the consequences of her poor decisions and failed lifestyle. Murdered by those who support and condone abortions. And yes, even murdered by every American taxpayer that funds these atrocities and hasn't stood up for what is right in defense of the innocent.

Fox News has the Complete Story Here reports the Dr. may lose his license and murder charges may be filed HERE
''This has to be a homicide, an unlawful killing. It could be manslaughter, but we believe it falls in that realm,'' Police Chief Overton said.

I actually feel physically ill after reading this. My heart is sickened and I wish it were an isolated incident, but it's not. Except for a few details and the obvious screw-ups, this isn't that far from what actually happens in every abortion.

WARNING: The following links will show you graphic abortion photos. Please prepare yourself and may God have mercy on these poor babies.

To see a graphic picture of an aborted 24 week old unborn baby, click HERE.

To see graphic pictures of abortions at various weeks, click HERE.

No human being with a heart can look at those photos and say that is anything but a human baby. So what if it isn't fully developed? It is still a life, not a "fetus". What kind of a people have we become where we murder our offspring before they're developed out of some twisted sense of entitlement? Maintaining one's irresponsible lifestyle is no reason to murder and the consequences should be carefully considered LONG BEFORE getting into any situation where you could get pregnant.

I am so sickened and ashamed to live in a country that allows abortions and where things like this are bound to happen. If you agree with abortion or "choice", may your chains sit lightly upon you and history forget that you were our countryman.

Though we don't deserve it, may God have mercy on America.


Anti-Catholic Video Funded with Tax Dollars!

As reported today by the Catholic League, a video offensive to Catholics that mocks the Eucharist and the Catholic faith was produced by ITVS, an organization funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Public TV and your tax dollars.

From the Catholic League:

"The video, “Divine Food,” opens with a priest waking up to a rumbling noise that shakes the religious symbols and statues in his room. He proceeds to a Catholic church where he discovers several wafers near a cup (the implication is that they are consecrated Hosts). In a disrespectful manner, he chews them vigorously and then admonishes the statues that are “looking at him.” He falls asleep in the church and when awakened he is asked to say Mass, which he refuses to do. The priest then makes large wafers out of dough and gives the pancake-like substance (which he calls the “Body of Christ”) to confused parishioners at Communion. The video ends when he drops the remaining “Hosts” into a dirty aquarium."

Here's their full article:

The disrespectful video is being aired on both Link TV at and iThentic at I encourage you to visit the following comment pages and ask them to remove this offensive video immediately. You can also send e-mail directly to ITVS at

iThentic Comment page:

Link TV Comment page:

Here's what I wrote. Feel free to use it:

I’m writing to express my disgust at the video “Divine Food” that Link TV has posted at, iThentic has posted at

As a Catholic and a Christian, I am offended by this depiction of the desecration of the Holy Eucharist and of the Priesthood.

I find no humor in this mockery of my faith video and it speaks not to the intelligence or wit of its creators or distributors, but to the more baser emotions of fear and ignorance of that which is not understand - the Holy Catholic Church.

No matter what you believe, it is wrong to mock God. Even if you don't believe, as Mark Twain said "True irreverence is disrespect for another man's God". It becomes all too easy to destroy through hatred and mockery, rather than create and build up through Love as Christ taught us. As such, these little jabs don't hurt the Catholic Church as she will stand against the very gates of hell. What is then, the point of this video? Only to mock and jeer at our faith and Church, much as Christ Himself was mocked and jeered.

How is mocking someone’s beliefs any different than mocking their skin color? Or perhaps their gender? I will not accept that one is more acceptable than the other. All are equally wrong.

My faith is very strong so videos such as this only strengthen my belief and resolve. If the whole world turned against me for being Catholic, I would gratefully accept the persecution with grace and still never change my beliefs. However it is still offensive and insulting to 64.2 million Catholic Americans (22%) and 1.1 billion Catholics worldwide.

Please take down this video. I await your response.


Mr. Robert Cavalcante Jr.

Thanks and God Bless,


I just found the movie on YouTube -

Also, the movie's creator/director, Marcela Said (Chile), has a Facebook page. I'm sure she would love to hear your opinion!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fight Against Planned Parenthood!

Live Action Films (A New Media Movement for Life) has just released their third undercover video in the Mona Lisa Project, a series of videos that are catching the murderers at Planned Parenthood covering up the alleged rape of another alleged 15 year old girl. How much more of this is there? I am furious about this whole thing. Are you MAD yet? How much more will it take to make you get you up do something about this?

If this weren't also a Catholic blog, I'd let loose with how I really feel about this mess, but I'll stay on the high ground. For those that prefer, use your imagination and insert various colorful expletives in my native New Jersey Italian style (think Sopranos) and you'll get the picture.

Here's the video of undercover pro-life activist Lila Rose being "counseled" by a Planned Parenthood counselor to work the system around the parental notification, NOT reporting this alleged rape of a 15 year old minor by a 27 year old adult to the authorities immediately as required by law, and then telling her to hide that fact!

How much more of this blatant, in-your-face disregard for the law, disregard for women, and most importantly disrespect for human life are we as Americans going to tolerate? Planned Parenthood, as designed by the known racist and disgrace to America: Margaret Sanger, remains an insult to American decency and morals and perpetuates the "American Culture of Death".

Abortion is murder and Planned Parenthood employees are murderers.

I urge each of you to watch this video to;

1) Share it with everyone you know

2) Visit and give them your support

3) Call, e-mail or fax your legislators and let them know that you're mad as hell about this and not going to take it any more!

Sitting by while others do all the work is not very Christian. Take a stand to defend innocent life as we are all commanded to do. Let's get Roe v. Wade overturned and start defending innocent life.

Let's get this clear...Abortion is MURDER. Abortion is a terminal life destroying social disease that is being intentionally spread by Planned Parenthood, NARAL et. al, and being supported by the progressive establishment and it has no place in America. It is a cancer in the body of America. As Americans we believe in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and you'll note that Life is first and foremost for without life, there is nothing else. Liberty means being free from tyranny and not having to live in fear of your government or of anyone. Having liberty does not mean you can do whatever you want, whenever you want and with no repercussions. With liberty, freedom and independence come responsibility and accountability. And your happiness is not guaranteed either, only the pursuit of happiness. It is up to the individual to define what makes them happy, then pursue it.

Lifestyles that lead to the death of ones self or of another, are both counter to the principles of freedom, contrary to life itself and an aberration. Freedom does NOT mean having the right to destroy life, yourself or your society.
How can you stop this? BE RESPONSIBLE and stop living a self-destructive and socially destructive lifestyle! (Here's a clue: SEX = PREGNANCY)

American cannot remain a great nation whilst her people sit idly by and witness such atrocities. One person's rights end where another's rights begin and forcing American taxpayers who are against the murder of innocent unborn babies to fund Planned Parenthood to the tune of $300+ million dollars per year IS TYRANNY!! Any government, body, corporation, entity, organization, group or person that performs or supports abortion and the public subsidizing of abortions is a TYRANNICAL MURDERER OR ACCOMPLICE TO MURDER.

Let's get this clear. I do not want Planned Parenthood and all abortionists to operate within the confines of the law. I want them to be dissolved, disbanded and disappear from the face of the earth. I want abortion to be considered and recognized by all to be the murderous and horrible act that it is. I want America to return to the values that once made her great, a beacon of compassion, liberty, freedom and justice to the whole world so we can regain our place as the greatest nation the world has ever known!

Until then, as long as our unborn children are being aborted/murdered and dying, so goes America.

America is dying one unborn infant at a time.

What are YOU going to do about it?

May God have Mercy on America,

Who is the Catholic Conservative American?